Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Honor & Reputation

These few months have been interesting. I have a friend who often speaks about his family honor and reputation.

What is honor:

  1. high respect; great esteem:
  2. adherence to what is right or to a conventional standard of conduct
What us reputation:
  1. the beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something:

How does one uphold a family honor and reputation? Is it by doing what is socially acceptable or by doing what is right?

Common conversation would lead back to people's regard of their family. My question is, if your reputation is defined by conventional standard why should they hold such high respect for that way of conduct? To just follow a conventional standard without re-evaluating its value and contribution to the quality of life. In fact, these conventional standards are often it is held tight despite  having very little contribution to the society and quality of life.

This makes me wonder, how many of us hold ourselves on to conventional standards exist within us unconsciously. Conventional standards that we know nothing of its significance as to why we are holding on to them. 

When was the last time you questioned your SOP?

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